Monday, February 09, 2009

Online conference on improving traditional conferences - elearnspace

Online conference on improving traditional conferences - elearnspace

Signed up for this last night. Curtis Bonk, Margaret Driscoll, George Seimens, should be an interesting online experience.

I like the idea of being part of an online conference that focuses on face to face (f2f) conferences. From what I've seen so far the real focus will be on how to use technology and especially social media to enhance the f2f experince. (Why am I thinking of the Borg ala Star Trek?)

The conference takes place on.. or is it in(?) an Ning platform. First time I've played with Ning, looks, feels ansd works great so far.

My hope, bearing in mind I'm already converted, is that one day in the not to distant future, all f2f confernces will include: tables with pop up screens and keyboards, be preset so that people can post, interact, surf, share and save. How cool would that be?

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