Monday, November 10, 2014

Pass the Vote Chilliwack

Dear Friends and Neighbours,

As you may know, this Wednesday Nov. 12th (Advanced Polls) and Saturday Nov. 15th (General Election Day) are your next opportunities to cast your ballot for this year’s Municipal Election.

I would like to STRONGLY encourage you to exercise your right to vote for your next Mayor, City Council, and School Trustees. 

Did you know that a few weeks ago in the City of Toronto, the voter turnout was 61%? That is staggering! In the past Municipal Election, Chilliwack had a voter turnout of only 17.5%.

We need to do better! In the past, civic elections voted candidates in for a 3-year term. In 2014, successful candidates will be voted in for a 4-year term.

In Chilliwack there are:

  • 3 Mayoral Candidates 
  • 17 Council Candidates 
  • 13 School Trustee Candidates 

So how do you make an informed decision?

Many of the individual candidates have their own websites. Want to know about a specific candidate? Just Google their name and if they have a site, it will pop up. For a quick reference, click here for a list of all your Chilliwack candidates. The Chilliwack Progress also has a page dedicated to candidates. You can also review a Storify of the Tweetup that several of the more technically brave candidates participated in.

You get what you vote for. 

Does your one vote matter? Absolutely!! It will matter even more if you encourage family, friends and neighbours to get out and vote with you.

I am personally supporting Jason Lum for Chilliwack City Council. 

Jason is truly an authentic and caring person. He is genuinely interested in what people have to say. He has a strong work ethic, and is committed to families, businesses, and to the betterment of this community. If you’re like me, these are the attributes to look for in our community leaders!

Please visit for more info.


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