Sunday, June 07, 2009

Net Change Skills Exchange - Eventbrite

Net Change Skills Exchange Friday, June 12, 2009 from 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM (ET)

"The Skills Exchange is an event unique to Net Change Week. Designed to show how interactive agencies can work with non-profits to solve a “wicked problem,” the outcomes are meant to lift these organizations to the next level. On May 25th, three of Canada’s most talented interactive agencies were paired with three organizations. The teams have two weeks to come up with a solution for the organizations that will be presented at MaRS on Friday, June 12th."

Not crazy about "wicked roblem" designation but other than that this looks like a very worthwhile experiment and initiative. Just wish I could figure out of it was just face to face or if there will be an online portion. Hard to tell from the registration page. (Note to self - If doing something similar clearly state, please join us "in person" or please join us "online" or both).

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